Serum Levels of 7S Collagen in HCV-Ab Positive Chronic Liver Diseases
Serum 7S collagen was measured in 100 patients with Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-Ab positive chronic liver disease using RIA kit (7S-RIA : Japan DPC Corporation). The serum levels of 7S collagen were significantly higher in all types of liver diseases than those in 20 healthy controls (3.9±0.4 ng/ml). The 7S collagen level was 8.4±3.6 ng/ml (n = 30) in chronic hepatitis (CH), 14.4±8.1 ng/ml (n = 30) in liver cirrhosis (LC), 14.5 ±8.6 ng/ml (n=40) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In chronic hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis had a mean 7S collagen value of 9.8±3.8 ng/ml (n=19), while that of chronic inactive hepatitis was 6.1±1.8 ng/ml (n=11). In decompensated liver cirrhosis, the 7S collagen value was 17.6±9.2 ng/ml (n=17), whereas that of compensated LC was 10.2±3.1 ng/ml (n=13). In HCC, 7S collagen was examined according to the size of the tumor. In HCC with a diameter of less than 3 cm, the value was 11.0±4.2 ng/ml (n = 5). In 3 to 5 cm lesions, it was 12.5±5.8 ng/ml (n=16) and those more than 5 cm in diameter, it was 17.1 ±10.8 ng/ml (n=19). Although there were no significant differences according to size, there was a tendency for the level of 7S collagen to increase with the size of the tumor. The HCV-Ab titer and 7S collagen level showed no significant correlation. Measurement of serum 7S collagen may be useful for the evaluation of the degree of progression of LC and HCC.