Online edition:ISSN 2434-3404


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Kawasaki Medical Journal Search

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Article on Scan:1975~2024 (2024/07/01)

Regular Article
Case Report

Search results

Vol. No. Pages Authors Title Class PDF
20 1.2 57-62 Nishina M, et al Acute Appendicitis Due to a Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt ― Report of a case ― b_download
20 1.2 53-56 Morishita S. The Direct Effect of Neuroleptics on C-kinase and M-kinase in Rat Brain b_download
20 1.2 37-52 Niiyama G. A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Subcapsular Lymphatic Capillaries of the Normal Liver and the Liver in Budd-Chiari Syndrome after Chemical Digestion b_download
20 1.2 29-35 Yamamoto Y, et al Multidisciplinary Treatment for Advanced Rectal Cancer b_download
20 1.2 19-27 Murakami T, et al Free Internal Thoracic Artery Grafts for Ischemic Heart Disease : A Medium-Term Follow-Up Study b_download
20 1.2 1-17 Miyashita N, et al Microbiology of Chlamydiae ――with Emphasis on Physicochemistry, Antigenicity and Drug Susceptibility of Chlamydia pneumoniae―― b_download