Online edition:ISSN 2434-3404


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Kawasaki Medical Journal Search

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Article on Scan:1975~2024 (2024/10/04)

Regular Article
Case Report

Search results

Vol. No. Pages Authors Title Class PDF
28 2.3.4 87-92 Morita I, et al A Case of False Aneurysm of a Dacron Graft in Aortitis Syndrome b_download
28 2.3.4 79-85 Hayashi J, et al Amyloidosis-induced Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Patient with Multiple Myeloma b_download
28 2.3.4 71-78 Kamada T, et al Effect of Cetraxate, a Mucosal Protective Agent, on Gastric Mucosal Blood Flow and Gastric Clarithromycin Concentration in Nicotine-treated Rats b_download
28 2.3.4 57-69 Kumano I, et al Ganglion Cell Differentiation and Intermediate Filaments in the Cervical Dorsal Root Ganglion of the Chick Embryo b_download
28 2.3.4 43-56 Abe H Research on the H-reflex of Rabbits with Experimental Spinal Cord Injury; Effects of a GABAB Agonist and a GABAB Receptor Agonist Positive Modulator on the H-reflex b_download
28 1 33-41 Hatsushika R, et al A Case Study of Human Otomyiasis Caused by Parasarcophaga similis (Meade, 1876) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) Found in Hiroshima, Japan b_download
28 1 21-31 Nishikawa M Changes in the Compound Muscle Action Potentials (CMAPs) of Rats Following High Frequency Repetitive Stimulations : Differences in Incremental Responses in Amplitude between Two Different Muscles b_download
28 1 17-20 Harano K, et al Malaria Parasites Detected in Myanmar Thalassemia Patients b_download
28 1 9-15 Than A, et al Hemoglobinopathies and Malaria Infection in Myanmar b_download
28 1 1-7 Yamada S Hydrophobicity of Streptococcus pyogenes is Responsible for the Phagocytic Reaction of Human Phagocytes b_download