Online edition:ISSN 2434-3404


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Kawasaki Medical Journal Search

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Article on Scan:1975~2024 (2024/11/25)

Regular Article
Case Report

Search results

Vol. No. Pages Authors Title Class PDF
36 4 275-281 Kamura Y, et al Changes in motor evoked potentials in the suprahyoid muscles by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation b_download
36 4 257-274 Wakamiya S, et al Is free and open source software for making web sites on the Internet available for computerization of hospital support functions? b_download
36 4 253-256 Okimoto N, et al Clinical features of Acinetobacter baumannii pneumonia b_download
36 4 245-251 Okahashi N, et al The mechanisms of functional mitral regurgitation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: a real-time 3D echocardiographic study b_download
36 3 209-212 Chang Y-S, et al A case report of sigmoid colon cancer during pregnancy. b_download
36 3 205-208 Yukawa T, et al A case of simultaneous lung cancer and abdominal aortic aneurysm treated with a two-stage strategy. b_download
36 3 179-185 Kondo T, et al Ph clone recurrence after imatinib discontibuation for chronic myelogenous leukemia patients who had complete molecular remission. b_download
36 3 173-178 Matsushima M, et al Adverse events of 2009 novel pandemic influenza (A/H1N1) vaccibation – comparison with seasonal and simultaneous vaccination – b_download
36 2 97-105 Shinozaki K, et al High-salt and high-fat diets promote corpus atrophic gastritis in Mongolian gerbils b_download
36 1 61-63 Ito S, et al Massive fibrolipoma of the lower lip: A case report b_download