Online edition:ISSN 2758-089X

Application of an Automated Hemoglobin Analyzer,HLC 723G7, for Clinical Samples

An automated hemoglobin analyzer, HLC-723G7, was introduced to determine Hb A2 and Hb F in a total of 276 clinical blood samples from 60 antenatal care attendants (pregnant mothers), 45 children with dengue hemorrhagic fever or acute viral infection, 41 old fild survey samples, 32 blood donors, 29 cases who had reduced osmotic fragility and/or reduced MCV, 22 stroke patients/controls, 17 known thalassemia patients, 13 apparently healthy volunteers, 12 cardiovascular disease patients/controls, and 5 known diabetics. The HLC-723G7 has many advantages over conventional methods (cellulose acetate electrophoresis and elution) for the determination of Hb A2. Some information, such as hemoglobin patterns (normal and/or abnormal) and their relative contents, is also obtainable in addition to Hb A2 and Hb F contents. Furthermore, Hb A2 contents, are also readily provided in Hb E traits (Hb E heterozygotes), which is not possible with the conventional methods.. Based on the findings from this initial and introductory work with the HLO723G7, it can be concluded that this machine should be of great value and highly beneficial in future thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy research in Myanmar.

WIN N, et al
