Online edition:ISSN 2758-089X

Spontaneous Regeneration of the Mandibular Bone Following Marginal Resection against Chronic Diffuse Sclerosing Osteomyelitis ― Case Report ―

A 41-year-old Japanese man was referred to the clinic of the Department of Oral Surgery of Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, with a chief complaint of painful swelling of the right mandible. A biopsy specimen was suggestive of chronic osteomyelitis. A marginal resection of the inferior border of the mandible was performed and the remaining strut of the mandible was supported with a titanium implant plate. Histological examination of the resected mandibular bone was consistent with chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis. Healing of the wound was uncomplicated, but radiographic examination seven months later suddenly demonstrated a pathological fracture line without subjective symptoms. Three years later the pathological fracture line disappeared and a partial spontaneous regeneration of the mandibular bone was noted. The mainly spontaneous regeneration seems to be related to rigid fixation and periosteal capacity.

Hata T, et al
