Online edition:ISSN 2758-089X

A Case of False Aneurysm of a Dacron Graft in Aortitis Syndrome

Among the complications after grafting of a prosthesis, false aneurysm due to a torn prosthesis is extremely rare. A 56-year-old female was operated on for complete occlusion of the left external iliac artery. A bypass was performed from the left common iliac artery to the left femoral artery in 1971, using a double-velour Dacron graft (Wesolowski) 8 mm in diameter. In August 1996, the patient noticed a pulsatile mass in her left groin. Angiography revealed a false aneurysm at the site of the graft. On operation, the false aneurysm was found to have formed on the mid-distal-portion of the graft. After resection of the aneurysm, reconstruction was successfully achieved with an 8 mm Gelsoft double velour knitted Dacron graft (It common iliac-femoral bypass). The postoperative course was uneventful. Postoperative angiography showed a well-patented graft. Fractured fibers were noted in the aneurysmal part of the resected specimen. Therefore, the false aneurysm was caused by rupture of the implanted graft.

Morita I, et al
