Ulcerative Colitis Associated with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: Two Case Reports and a Review of the Japanese Literature with Special Reference to HLA Typing
We treated two cases of ulcerative colitis (UC), which were complicated by primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Both patients had pancolitis type of UC, and their laboratory data, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, and histologic findings of the liver biopsy were all compatible with the diagnosis of PSC. Assessment in histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing revealed that both patients had HLA CW7 antigen. In addition, three of the ten cases of UC and PSC reported in Japan, in which HLA typing have been specified, have HLA CW7. These findings suggest that genetic predisposition with the viewpoint of conventional HLA type may partly play a role in the coexistence of UC and PSC.