Online edition:ISSN 2758-089X

Association between ImmunoCard Mycoplasma test and particle agglutination (PA) method in Mycoplasma pneumonia diagnosis

We examined the association between ImmunoCard Mycoplasma test and particle agglutination (PA) method in Mycoplasma pneumonia diagnosis. Subjects were 105 pneumonia patients who were positive for ImmunoCard Mycoplasma test at initial consultation and followed up by PA method using paired sera. The coincidence rates of positive cases of ImmunoCard Mycoplasma test and positive cases of PA method were examined by generation. The results showed that the coincidence rate was 87.5% in aged less than 19 years, 48.8% in aged 20-39 years, 36.4% in aged 40-59 years, 21.1% in aged 60-79 years, and 25.0% in aged 80 or greater, for a total of 44.8% (47 of 105 patients). The results suggested that a positive result for ImmunoCard Mycoplasma test may be due to acute infection in patients aged 19 years or less; however, 50% or more of patients aged 20 years or greater were false positive, which may reflect the presence of past infection. doi:10.11482/KMJ-E40(2)61 (Accepted on April 17, 2014)

Okimoto N, et al
