Online edition:ISSN 2758-089X

Studies on Roentogenographic Characteristics of the Stomach and Duodenum around the Pylorus 1. Normal Cases

To examine the “jet effect" which has been implicated by the up-suspending and down-suspending experiments of the MannWilliamson ulcer to be involved in ulcer formation, the gastroduodenal angle (GD angle) was established using the upright right anterior oblique view of an ordinary gastric X-ray inspection. The relationship between the GD angle and the morphology of the stomach and duodenum was studied in 88 healthy subjects. The mean GD angle was 105.7° in males and 96.5° in females. With an increase in the GD angle, the Ba (Width of gastric angle section)/Bc (Width of gastric body section) ratio decreased, suggesting an acceleration of the tension of the gastric walls, while the duodenal loop area and the duodenal loop height increased. In addition, the number of duodenal longitudinal folds (Lf) tended to increase, suggesting acceleration of duodenal motility. The mean loop area was 15.2 cm2 in males and 9.2 cm2 in females. Antral peristalsis (AP) correlated positively with the Ba/Bc ratio and inversely with the GD angle. In cases where the Lf number was more than two, i. e., accelerated cases, we found greater loop area and height, which suggested a correlation between them. An increase in the GD angle and AP as well as a decrease in the Ba/Bc ratio was also noted. This suggested gastric emptying based on the acceleration of gastric motility. It was suggested that in proximal duodenal anomaly (PDA) and distal duodenal anomaly (DDA), the motility of the stomach and duodenum differed.

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