Online edition:ISSN 2434-3404


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Kawasaki Medical Journal Search

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Article on Scan:1975~2024 (2024/10/04)

Regular Article
Case Report

Search results

Vol. No. Pages Authors Title Class PDF
23 4 265-270 Samukawa M, et al A case of subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with reversible midsystolic click sound * b_download
23 4 257-264 Inagawa K, et al Treatment of infectios ulcer with strong acidic electrolyte solution * b_download
23 4 251-255 Tabuchi A, et al Sclerotherapy for varicose veins * b_download
23 4 241-249 watanabe K Significance of anti carbonic anhydrase antibodes in rheumatic autoimmune diseases * b_download
23 4 235-240 kawane H, et al Prevalence of smoking among medical students, 1986-1995 * b_download
23 4 227-234 Otsuki T, et al Expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein and its receptor in human myeloma cell lines * b_download
23 4 219-225 Sawayama T Cerebral thromboembolism originated from arterial fibrillation – Is it preditable and prevbentative ? – * b_download
23 3 191-195 Onishi T, et al Osteochondral fracture of the talus with lateral collateral ligament injury of the ankle joint * b_download
23 3.4 151-160 Akisada T, et al A Case of Nasal NK Cell Lymphoma b_download
23 3 185-190 Fujiwara T, et a Etiological and clinical studies of surgically treated mitral valve disease * b_download